
Here are a few books that I’ve done.

Please buy them.

Except for Canada, I’ve decid­ed to remove the option for inter­na­tion­al ship­ping at this time. If you live out­side of the United States and want any of my books, e‑mail me at ajan­ioloye at and I will fig­ure out how much it will cost (I can give you a dis­count on the book(s) if the ship­ping is too high).

Also, I can sign my name and put a small draw­ing of your choice into the book. After going to check­out, you can enter your request in the box to indi­cate spe­cial instruc­tions to the sell­er. If you want a quick por­trait, please direct me to a pic­ture of your­self (con­tact me).


NYCsubsketch No. 1
($12, 91 pgs)

The cover of NYC Subsketch number one, which features a painting of the author drawing in a sketchbook while sitting next to his friend on the New York City subway, with 'NYC' drawn with colored lines reminiscent of the lines on a subway map and 'subsketch' in a poster case above the figures.

My first book! This is a col­lec­tion of sketch­es that cov­ers my time in New York City from 2005 – 2008. Most of the sketch­es were done on the sub­way, hence the title.

NYCsubsketch No. 2
($12, 150 pgs)

The cover for NYC Subsketch number two, which features a colored drawing of a man sleeping in a Japanese subway seat with the title of the book in graffiti on the wall seen through the subway car's window.
New! This is the con­tin­u­a­tion of the NYCsubsketch series, pick­ing up where I left off in 2008 and going on until 2012. During this time, I lived in Japan, so almost all of these sketch­es are from Japan.

(Reg. cover — $7, 16 pgs)

Cover of ABVD comic featuring a line drawing of a hospital in front of a park and the letters ABVD in a cloud-like formation.      The special edition cover of the ABVD comic, which features a chest X-ray with lumps in the right lung and Japanese characters for A, B, V, and D on each corner of the cover.

In 2010, while still liv­ing in Japan, I was diag­nosed with can­cer. I felt that the expe­ri­ence was so unique that I had to do some­thing with it. The result is this comic.
This is a most­ly-auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal telling of my expe­ri­ence with can­cer treat­ment in Japan. Available in two ver­sions. This comes in two edi­tions. The spe­cial edi­tion (sold out, sor­ry) has an extra trans­par­ent film cov­er with the actu­al x‑ray that was tak­en when I found out I had cancer.


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