

Ajani here.  Someday this will get a prop­er update, but that day is not today. Here are some oth­er things I’m work­ing on:

💻 I’m a Content Director for a man­ga pub­lish­er. Before that, I worked as a Content Strategist in the health­care indus­try. Feel free to check out my UX port­fo­lio, which is also in need of an update (-_-;).
📖 I trans­lat­ed Heaven’s Door for Last Gasp. Buy it here.
📖 I also trans­lat­ed a fun, all-ages man­ga called Lil’ Leo. Buy it here.
🖌 I trans­late Blue Period from Kodansha Comics. Buy it here.
💼 I also trans­late a few man­ga series for Yen Press.
👨🏾‍💼I’ve done some con­sult­ing for man­ga pub­lish­ers. Contact me at manga@ [my full name].com if you’d like to use my con­sult­ing services.
🎙I’ve spo­ken at sev­er­al webi­na­rs, pan­els, in class­rooms, and on pod­casts over the years, and I’m hap­py to do more as the oppor­tu­ni­ties come.
📝 I edit one man­ga series for Vertical Comics and still do gen­er­al Japanese-to-English trans­la­tion for var­i­ous agen­cies and clients.
🧔🏾 I’m try­ing to be a good papa to my daughter.
😬 I’m try­ing to stay sane in this mad, mad world.

You can still view all my old work and sketch­es through the menu links at the top of the page, so enjoy that while I try to work on comin’ up.